Mini Mozart

You don't need to be a Musician​

With every note played live #magicalmusicalmoments isn’t just a hashtag to us, it’s a promise

We won’t play anything cringe, we won’t ask you to sit still, and we’ll NEVER make you wave hello to a grubby mascot.

What we will do, is watch what your little one waggles their legs for! Live musicians can be baby led in a way that’s not going to happen if you’re following a backing track. So when the bubs are buzzing for the giant scrunchie (the prop we use to teach pulse and rhythm), the parachute (pitch and tempo) or the bubbles we go BIG on those and get even BIGGER smiles in return.

Like Pixar, we know we have two audiences and we're careful to cater for both.   The little ones get a stimulating mix of music, props and games hung around a traditional fairy tale or opera plot, but only the adults get the joke when Cinderella has to get the night bus home (cue The Wheels On The Bus) or The Princess & The Pea rejects a marriage proposal in favour of setting up her own mattress company!

A technique used in Concert Halls called ‘sandwich’ programming means that we give you a little of what you know and love then follow it up with something a bit more challenging. Same with the instruments & props; there’s always something new to explore which is why so many parents tell us “this is the ONLY class he doesn’t run around in completely ignoring the teacher!”

We know there are tons of music classes out there, but if it sounds like fun... GIVE US A TRY!

Interview with our Founder, Clare Shaw

What do you love and why?

Babies and music. Both make my heart sing and my mouth smile. There’s nothing I love more than the ‘eureka’ look on a baby’s face when they hear an instrument being played and experience the magic of live music for the first time.

What do you dislike and why?

I hate the perfectionism that women in particular are encouraged to aspire to. It doesn’t make anyone happy! Peak perfect coincides with becoming a parent and it’s so unconstructive. Let’s all give ourselves a break, pick our battles, and do more of what makes us happy.

Why is Mini Mozart different from other music classes?

Well apart from the rotating cast of live orchestral instrumentalists and the resident piano accompanist, we’re like Pixar. We know we have two audiences and we cater for them both. The babies get a stimulating mix of music, props and games, but we’re careful not to infantilise the parents. My colleagues and I are all graduates and we’ll drop in to the class something about the art or literature behind our music and stories, or explain the science behind why an exercise is beneficial. Most adults say they come away from Mini Mozart having had a blast, but having learned something too.

What drives you?

I’d always had a hunch that what we do had a huge impact on the developmental outcomes of pre-schoolers, but the post pandemic cohort who had missed out on this sort of stimulation proved it beyond doubt. Yes we encourage children’s musicality, but so much more important are the societal coping skills that we encourage – things like language, social skills, learning to cooperate, be in an unpredictable environment – it’s invaluable. It took me a while – I started off in broadcasting – but I feel that bringing out the best in children through music is what I’m ‘here’ to do.

Having said that, I have, on occasion, ahem, gone to teach a class ‘the morning after’ and the journey there feels like the road to purgatory! Once you’re there though, with the little ones are toddling around, faces full of wonder, it’s an instant tonic. You simply can’t possibly be grumpy in such a joyful space.

What is important to you in the way you run your business?

Integrity and inclusivity. We demonstrate that by operating a scrupulously ethical subscription system. Our clients were fed up of paying a huge fee up front for a term of classes when they couldn’t see more than a few weeks ahead, so we developed our cancel anytime monthly subscription. The year’s fees are divided between 12 calendar months, and you can cancel whenever you want.

My ultimate goal though is that Mini Mozart becomes ‘means blind’ so that any family that wants to benefit from our transformative education can do, regardless of their ability pay. We offer heavily subsidised places to families on Universal Credit and are currently looking for corporate sponsors to help fund the bursary scheme. Know anyone!?

What is the one thing you would change about your industry above all else and why?

Music classes without live music! Why would you even!?

PRESS ENQUIRIES TO: [email protected]

Meet the Team
We’re a partnership of freelance musicians who sprinkle Mini Mozart sessions around being on stage, at rehearsal, or in the studio. Every day is different for us so we bring a sparkle and enthusiasm that it’s hard to have if you do the same thing every day.
We’ve all had amazing teachers and mentors to get us where we are, and now it’s our turn to give back. We love inspiring the next generation of music lovers, and can’t get enough of seeing how music develops childrens’ confidence, language and social skills.

We’re so glad you’re here, we can’t wait to meet you, and we’re buzzing to get started laying the foundations of a lifelong love of music with you and your little one.
Honestly, there are dozens more of us! You’ll never have a ‘groundhog’ moment at Mini Mozart because there’s a
different instrument each week!
Join the Team
Class Leaders

We are always on the look out for great musicians and accompanists to join our wonderful team.

  • Are you available at least one regular morning per week during term time?
  • Are you conservatoire trained and have Grade 8 on an instrument or two?
  • Do you love working with children?
  • Are you a fun personality who is super charismatic, reliable and a great communicator?

If you tick all of the boxes and think that you would like to join our team, drop us an email.

Piano Accompanists

We’re always looking for fabulous sight readers who also don’t mind busking along an accompaniment from charts.

Other Ideas

Have a great idea on how you could fit in? Get in touch!

What People Say About Us

Without doubt, our favourite thing we did together during my maternity leave

Rachel, Orson's Mum

The only class I bothered to do with my second child

Lucy, Sam and Orla's Mum

Without doubt, our favourite thing we did together during my maternity leave

Rachel, Orson's Mum

My little one is completely transfixed by the instruments

Rachel, Noah's Mum

Without doubt, our favourite thing we did together during my maternity leave

Rachel, Orson's Mum

The mix of fun and education is spot on

'Granny Nanny' and Ex Health Visitor