What NOT to take away from class

So. What do we hope the kids will take home from this week’s class themed around Jack & The Beanstalk? Well. NOT . . .

  1. Ignore your Mum
  2. Talk to strangers
  3. Buy dodgy stuff from said strangers
  4. Climb tall things
  5. Break and enter people’s homes
  6. Steal from them
  7. Murder them
  8. Live Happily Ever After.

No. You’ll be pleased to hear that we’ll be putting the emphasis on Jack’s appetite for opportunity and how fortune favours the bold!

Musically we’ll be doing a lot of climbing up (scales) and teaching the children about leitmotif which is a fancy classical music way of saying ‘theme’. Get ready to chant ‘Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman’ along with the striding piano chords. Don’t worry we’ll make it fun not scary and your little ones will feel really validated when they’re able to predict what’s coming each time they hear the giant’s theme. It’s all designed to make the children confident and bold musicians. Because as we surely know;

Fortune Favours The Bold.

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